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Gala Gstaad 2024

The Red Cross Gala in Gstaad is more than just a charity evening: you have the opportunity to make a difference to the lives of people in need. Spend an unforgettable evening together with other committed personalities with a gala dinner, charity auction and entertainment. Together, we can make a difference for a better future.

Your next opportunity

The next Red Cross Gala in Gstaad will take place in early 2025.

Gstaad Gala Committee

The executive committee supports the Red Cross Gala in Gstaad Gstaad:

Mrs Dania Samawi, Mrs Absa Kane, Mrs Barbara Bravo de la Fuente, Mr Sheikh Mohammed el-Khereiji.

Theme 2024:

Empowering Young Mothers and Children for a better Tomorrow

Together, we aim to make a significant contribution to sustainably enhance the quality of life, safety, and health of disadvantaged mothers and children.

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Guillaume Crausaz

Event Manager

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