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Our Programme Domains

Based on the Swiss Red Cross Strategy 2030, the International Cooperation Department of the SRC supports its Sister National Societies and local partners in three programme domains: Health, Disaster Risk Management and National Society Development.


The SRC engages in seven thematic priorities in health, outlined in the SRC’s health policy for international cooperation. Together with Sister National Societies and local partners, the SRC endeavors to increase people’s access to health, to improve the quality of care, and to assist that people practise a healthy behavior, contributing to an improved health status of the population.

Examples of the impact of the different health interventions in the seven thematic priorities is described below.

Total Number of Beneficiaries in Health

reached with health interventions

As many people were reached with a variety of health interventions described below in the impact of the seven thematic priorities.

reached with COVID-19 interventions

As many people were reached with COVID-19 prevention and vaccination activities.

supported with social health protection

As many people were supported to avail social health protection.

Our Impact in the seven Health Priorities

Spotlight Eye Health

The spotlight demonstrates our support in different intervention countries. It highlights the specific results of eye health interventions in regards to prevention, treatment and care in the year 2021.

Spotlight Eye HealthLearn more

Disaster Risk Management

The SRC engages in four thematic priorities in disaster risk management, outlined in the SRC’s Disaster Risk Management Policy for International Cooperation. Together with the Sister National Societies and other local partners, the SRC strives to save peoples’ lives, to assure their means for survival and protect their livelihoods, to reduce exposure and vulnerability of people and communities to hazards and to increase their disaster preparedness.

Below you find examples of the impact of the disaster risk management interventions in the four thematic priorities.

Total Number of Beneficiaries in Disaster Risk Management

Disaster Risk Reduction

As many people were reached with activities in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

Disaster Response

As many people were reached with disaster and crisis response interventions through direct project support (does not include contributions to multilateral emergency appeals of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement).

Shelter and Housing

As many people were supported in the reconstruction and / or repair of their houses following a disaster.

Our Impact in the four Disaster Risk Management Priorities

A man in front of a hut is questioned by a Red Cross worker.

Spotlight Economic Support

The spotlight features Cash and Voucher Assistance as a key approach for economic support to disaster- and crisis affected populations in relief and recovery.

Spotlight Economic SupportLearn more

National Society Development

The SRC currently engages in five thematic priorities in National Society Development. The goal is to support Sister National Societies in their effort to achieve and maintain an accountable and sustainable organisation that delivers - through members, volunteers and staff - relevant services to address needs, reduce vulnerabilities and build resilience in a changing environment.

Examples of the impact of our support to Sister National Societies in the five thematic priorities is described below.

Total Number of Beneficiaries in National Society Development

Sister National Societies

As many Sister National Societies – including their members, volunteers and staff - were supported in their NSD efforts.

running projects

As many projects with focus on one or more thematic priorities in NSD were running.

Our Impact in the five National Society Development Priorities

Spotlight Institutional Preparedness

The spotlight provides insights into the efforts of National Societies to increase the level of their institutional preparedness for the response to crisis and disasters by building up capacities in Cash and Voucher Assistance.

Spotlight Institutional PreparednessLearn more

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