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Everyday support

What if the Red Cross could make your day-to-day life easier? Discover the range of advisory and support services we provide locally for all sorts of difficult circumstances. We can help you live the most independent life possible.

Where can I get help?

Even in Switzerland, life is full of challenges. You might be elderly or sick. You might have children to look after, or a relative. Perhaps you’re from another country. These are circumstances that can easily overwhelm you. But there are solutions.

Find out what your cantonal association offers

The Swiss Red Cross has 24 cantonal associations. They all offer different types of support services. Visit your cantonal association’s website to find out more about the services available to you locally:


Below are examples of services provided by the Swiss Red Cross. You can ask your cantonal association if the service you need is available where you live.
If it is not available, your cantonal association will be able to direct you to a similar provider or suggest other types of support.

Driver service

Do you have reduced mobility due to old age or a disability? Do you need someone to go with you to your doctor’s appointments? Do you need to be driven there? A volunteer, with an adapted vehicle if necessary, can take you where you need to go.

There is a charge for this service. Contact your cantonal association to find out more or book a driver:

Home visit and assistance service

Is loneliness getting you down? Would you like more social contact or someone to go with you to a doctor’s appointment? You can ask the Red Cross’ home visit and assistance service to send a volunteer around for a chat over a cup of tea or to go out for a walk with you if you prefer.

This service is provided for elderly people by the following cantonal associations:

Red Cross course

Learning to help yourself

Sometimes, the best support is what you give yourself. Red Cross coursesOpens a new window teach you to take care of yourself and others.

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