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Working abroad: registration certificate and certificate of good standing

If you would like to practise your healthcare profession in another country, ask us for a registration certificate / Certificate of Good Standing / Certificate of Current Professional Status.

Why do I need a certificate?

A certificate is needed if you would like to register as a healthcare professional in another country and have your professional qualifications recognized there.

Procedure and costs

What do I need to do?

A certificate will only be issued if you are registered in the Swiss register of healthcare professions (GesReg / NAREG) maintained by the SRC. If you are already registered, we will need the following documentation:

  • duly completed application form

  • documents listed on the application form

Please send all documentation to:

Swiss Red Cross
Werkstrasse 18
3084 Wabern

If you are not yet registered

We will issue you with a Certificate of Non-Registration. This is confirmation that you are not listed in the register.

What happens next?

You will receive your registration certificate within ten days. It may take longer if any documents are missing from your application. In this case, we will contact you to request them.


CHF 120.

Further information

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