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Apart from your loved ones, why not also designate the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) as a beneficiary in your will. You will be helping generations of vulnerable people after you – worldwide, and wherever help is most needed. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about estate planning.

Including Swiss Red Cross in your will

The SRC is Switzerland’s oldest charity. It will carry on being there for people in need. Any amount from your estate will support the work of the SRC for future generations. Inheritances and bequests to the SRC are exempt from inheritance tax.

Eveline Betz has included the SRC in her will. She explains why.

How can you leave something to the SRC?

There are various ways to include the SRC in your will.


A legacy or bequest allows you to allocate certain assets to the SRC. These include, for example, real estate, shares, works of art and collections. A legacy is determined before the division of the inheritance and is not part of the inheritance.A legacy is made before the division of the inheritance. It is not part of the inheritance.


Through an inheritance, you designate the SRC as the sole heir for your entire estate or as co-heir for a certain part of the inheritance.


You can leave assets to the SRC during your lifetime in the form of one or more gifts. You thus bequeath part of your estate during your lifetime. In that way you can thus monitor the impact of your donation. On request, the modalities can be laid down in a donation contract. For example, it is possible for you to bequeath your house or apartment to the SRC during your lifetime but continue to live in it.

Frequently asked questions

Contact me for a private discussion

Swiss Red Cross Office, Rainmattstrasse 10, 3011 Bern 

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