Gala Gstaad 2024
The Red Cross Gala in Gstaad is more than just a charity evening: you have the opportunity to make a difference to the lives of people in need. Spend an unforgettable evening together with other committed personalities with a gala dinner, charity auction and entertainment. Together, we can make a difference for a better future.
Your next opportunity
Monday 12. February 2024
From 18.30
The Alpina Hotel Gstaad
Gstaad Gala Committee
The executive committee supports the Red Cross Gala in Gstaad Gstaad:
Mrs Dania Samawi, Mrs Absa Kane, Mrs Barbara Bravo de la Fuente, Mr Sheikh Mohammed el-Khereiji.
Theme 2024:
Empowering Young Mothers and Children for a better Tomorrow
Together, we aim to make a significant contribution to sustainably enhance the quality of life, safety, and health of disadvantaged mothers and children.
Sponsors & Partners
Premium Sponsor
Any questions?
If you have any requests or questions, contact Guillaume Crausaz and our event team. Just call us or drop us an email.