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International Cooperation: Annual Programme Report 2022
The IC Annual Programme Report sheds light on SRC's operational and financial performance implemented in close collaboration with our Red Cross Red Crescent Sister National Societies, our partners and our donors in 2022. The reporting focuses on results and highlights selected achievements according to our programmatic domains and thematic priorities.
Our Spotlights
Our Spotlights of 2021
Our Programme Countries
In 2022, the IC Department of the SRC partnered with 25 Sister National Societies globally. The World Map provides detailed information about the nature of the collaboration in each of the countries and offers insight into the expertise SRC can offer to Sister National Societies. Additional to the programmatic collaboration, SRC supported emergency response in Uganda, Madagascar and Belize.
World map.The Swiss Red Cross project countries are highlighted in red. Here is the full list: Ägypten, Armenien, Äthiopien, Bangladesch, Belarus, Bhutan, Bolivien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesien, Kazakhstan, Kirgistan, Laos, Libanon, Lithuania, Malawi, Moldawien, Montenegro, Nepal, Nordmazedonien, Pakistan, Paraguay, Serbien, Sudan, Südsudan, Syrien, Tajikistan , Togo, Ukraine, Vietnam.
Our Beneficiaries
Beneficiaries of Health
3,728,200 people were reached with health interventions. Additionally 17,216,100 people were reached with different COVID-19 interventions and 5,503,800 people received access to social health protection.
Beneficiaries of Disaster Risk Management
This figure covers people who were reached through direct project support. It excludes contributions to multilateral emergency appeals of the International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent.
Sister National Societies
This figure covers the number of Sister National Societies to which we provided coordinated support, such as technical expertise and / or financial means, related to National Society Development
Our Finances
In 2022, the Swiss Red Cross’ (SRC) activities in development cooperation and emergency response reached a historic high of 58 million. The year was marked by the Ukraine crisis, where SRC supported affected people with 13.5 million.
Administrative costs remained very close to the level of expenditure of the previous year despite the strong increase in overall volume. The strategic decision to implement our projects exclusively via the local Red Cross / Red Crescent National Society allows for increased sustainability in implementation.
In 2022, our activities were supported by a broad donor base which showed solidarity with the most vulnerable. Our governmental and institutional partners provide continuity with regular funding and an increase in individual giving for humanitarian aid allow to adequately respond to the current crisis.
Expenditure according to our Programme Domains
Display in CHF
value in CHF | Value |
Health | 19,669,217 |
DRM | 6,370,645 |
NSD | 2,380,349 |
Humanitarian Aid | 23,598,359 |
Mandate | 1,441,774 |
International Cooperation Financial Overview
International Cooperation Expenses | Budget 2022 | Actual 2022 |
International Cooperation Expenses | 53,404,000 | 57,560,000 |
Health | 19,209,000 | 19,670,000 |
Disaster Risk Management | 7,629,000 | 6,371,000 |
National Society Development | 4,375,000 | 2,381,000 |
Emergency & Humanitarian Aid | 18,000,000 | 23,598,000 |
SDC Mandated Projects | 1,528,000 | 1,442,000 |
International Cooperation SRC HQ Costs | 2,663,000 | 4,098,000 |
International Cooperation Income | Budget 2022 | Actual 2022 |
International Cooperation Income | 53,404,000 | 67,522,000 |
SRC Fund Raising | 18,749,000 | 34,828,000 |
Fundraising and Donation | 10,717,000 | 33,836,000 |
Income from Sales and Service Deliveries | 1,011,000 | 992,000 |
Restricted/Unrestricted Funds | 7,021,000 | |
Major External Contributors | 14,638,000 | 16,975,000 |
Swiss Solidarity | 5,327,000 | 6,240,000 |
Red Cross/Red Crescent Partners/Relief Organisations | 2,400,000 | 3,146,000 |
Humanitarian Foundation - SRC | 6,911,000 | 7,589,000 |
SDC/Swiss Federal Authority | 17,354,000 | 15,719,000 |
SDC International Cooperation Contribution | 8,000,000 | 8,000,000 |
SDC Humanitarian Aid Contribution | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 |
SDC Mandate | 1,528,000 | 1,442,000 |
SDC Project Contribution | 5,326,000 | 3,777,000 |
SRC HQ International Cooperation Contribution | 2,663,000 | |
SRC HQ International Cooperation Contribution | 2,663,000 |
Our Partners
All of our work at the Department of International Cooperation is done in close cooperation with a great number of local and international partners essential for our programmatic success and reach to our beneficiaries.