Earthquake disaster in Southeast Asia: help the people affected
For many of the disaster victims, your donation can mean the difference between life and death. We thank you for your generosity and support.
Our Programme Domains
Based on the Swiss Red Cross Strategy 2030, the International Cooperation Department of the SRC supports its Sister National Societies and local partners in three programme domains: Health, Disaster Risk Management and National Society Development.
Together with Sister National Societies and local partners, the SRC engages in seven thematic priorities in health. Partnerships in health increase people’s access to health, improve the quality of care, assist in practicing healthy behaviors, and contribute to the population’s improved health status.
Selected examples illustrate the impact of various health interventions in the seven thematic priorities.
Total Number of Beneficiaries in Health
health interventions
Number of individuals supported by health interventions in the seven thematic priorities.
COVID-19 interventions
Number of individuals reached by COVID-19 interventions thanks to continued support from Red Cross/Red Crescent partners.
social health protection interventions
Number of individuals helped to access social health protection and receive benefits.
Our Impact in the seven Health Priorities
Disaster Risk Management
The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) supports Sister National Societies and other local partners striving to save lives and livelihoods by reducing the exposure and vulnerability of people and communities to hazards and improving their disaster preparedness. Under the SRC Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Policy for International Cooperation, the SRC and its partners engage in four thematic priorities. Scroll down for examples of the impact of DRM interventions.
Total Number of Beneficiaries in Disaster Risk Management
Disaster risk reduction
Number of people reached with activities in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.
Disaster response
Number of people reached with disaster and crisis response interventions through direct project support (does not include contributions to multilateral emergency appeals of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement).
Cash support
Amount in CHF provided through Cash and Voucher Assistance to disaster and crises affected people.
Our Impact in the four Disaster Risk Management Priorities
National Society Development
The SRC currently engages in five thematic priorities in National Society Development. The goal is to support Sister National Societies in their effort to achieve and maintain an accountable and sustainable organisation that delivers - through members, volunteers and staff - relevant services to address needs, reduce vulnerabilities and build resilience in a changing environment.
Examples of the impact of our support to Sister National Societies in the five thematic priorities is described below.
NSD in a bit more than two minutes
Total Number of Beneficiaries in National Society Development
Sister National Societies
Sister National Societies – including their members, volunteers and staff - supported in their NSD efforts.
transformational initiatives of Sister National Societies
39 supported transformational initiatives of Sister National Societies with focus on one or more thematic priorities in NSD.