Earthquake disaster in Southeast Asia: help the people affected
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International Cooperation: Annual Programme Report 2023
The IC Annual Programme Report 2023 gives insights into SRC’s operational and financial performance implemented in close collaboration with our Red Cross Red Crescent Sister National Societies, our partners and our donors. The reporting focuses on results and highlights selected achievements according to our programmatic domains and thematic priorities.
Our Spotlights
Previous Spotlights
Previous Spotlights
Our Programme Countries
In 2023, the SRC collaborated with National Societies in 40 countries. The World Map summarizes the interventions in 23 programme countries and 7 project countries. Additionally, activities are implemented in two regional migration programmes and one regional NSD programme. The countries included in the migration programme in the Balkans are North Macedonia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Hercegovina. The countries included in the migration programme in Central America are Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Panama. The countries included in the regional programme in Central Asia are Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. Emergency response took place in depicted programme countries and in Pakistan, Myanmar, Turkey and Morocco.
World map.The Swiss Red Cross project countries are highlighted in red. Here is the full list: Ägypten, Armenien, Bangladesch, Belarus, Bhutan, Bolivien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia , Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kirgistan, Laos, Libanon, Malawi, Moldawien, Nepal, North Macedonia , Paraguay, Sudan, Südsudan, Syrien, Tajikistan , Togo, Ukraine, Vietnam.
Our Beneficiaries
Beneficiaries of Health
4,368,361 individuals were reached with health interventions. Additionally 127,338 people were reached with different COVID-19 interventions and 6,536,380 people received access to social health protection.
Beneficiaries of Disaster Risk Management
The figure covers people who were reached through direct project support. It excludes contributions to multilateral emergency appeals.
Sister National Societies
This figure covers the number of Sister National Societies to which we provided coordinated support, such as technical expertise and / or financial means, related to National Society Development.
Our Finances
In 2023, the Swiss Red Cross’ (SRC) activities in development cooperation and emergency response reached a historic high of 58 million. The war in Ukraine is still at the center of attention of our activities. However, natural disasters, such as the earthquake in Syria, drought responses in Ethiopia and the conflict in Sudan called for SRC support.
The development of the National Societies (NSD) become an increasingly important field of activity for the SRC. In 2023, more efforts and funds have been invested in this area. This trend emphasises our decision to implement projects exclusively via the local Red Cross / Red Crescent National Society for more sustainable results and less administrative costs on a long run.
Despite a year of multiple crises, donations and fundraising close on a lower level. At the same time, the figure for 2022 was exceptionally high with an unrivalled solidarity for the most vulnerable, especially in the Ukraine. Our governmental and institutional partners provide continuity with regular funding and an increase in individual giving for humanitarian aid allow to adequately respond to the current crisis.
Expenditure according to our Programme Domains
Number displayed in CHF when hovered over.
value in CHF | Value |
Health | 17,584,665 |
Disaster Risk Management | 5,613,075 |
National Society Development | 3,670,196 |
Emergency & Humanitarian Aid | 25,104,000 |
SDC Mandates | 1,333,842 |
International Cooperation Financial Overview
International Cooperation Expenses | Budget 2023 | Actual 2023 |
International Cooperation Expenses | 64,756,000 | 57,791,000 |
Health | 19,541,000 | 17,585,000 |
Disaster Risk Management | 5,923,000 | 5,613,000 |
National Society Development | 4,438,000 | 3,670,000 |
Emergency & Humanitarian Aid | 28,499,000 | 25,104,000 |
SDC Mandates | 1,700,000 | 1,334,000 |
IC Dept Internal Projects/Support Services | 4,656,000 | 4,486,000 |
International Cooperation Income | Budget 2023 | Actual 2023 |
International Cooperation Income | 64,756,000 | 57,791,000 |
1. Own Incomes and Funds | 29,027,000 | 29,709,000 |
Fundraising and Donation | 23,170,000 | 17,060,000 |
Income from Sales and Service Deliveries | 966,000 | 1,058,000 |
Un-/Restricted Programme Funds | 4,891,000 | 11,591,000 |
2. Other Sources of Income | 17,317,000 | 12,094,000 |
Swiss Solidarity | 4,700,000 | 2,364,000 |
Movement Partners/Relief Organisations | 5,214,000 | 2,941,000 |
Humanitarian Foundation - SRC | 7,403,000 | 6,789,000 |
3. SDC Contribution | 16,672,000 | 14,089,000 |
SDC IP Programme Contribution | 8,000,000 | 8,000,000 |
SDC HH Contribution | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 |
SDC Mandate | 1,700,000 | 1,567,000 |
SDC Other Contribution | 4,472,000 | 2,022,000 |
4. SRC's Other Programme | 1,740,000 | 1,899,000 |
SRC HQ International Cooperation Contribution | 1,740,000 | 1,899,000 |
Our Partners
Our work at the Department of International Cooperation is done in close cooperation with a great number of local and international partners essential for our beneficiary reach and our programmatic success.